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[Last updated 4/2024] The Ultimate React Course 2024: React, Redux & More (Udemy - Vietsub and Engsub)

What you'll learn:
  • Become an advanced, confident, and modern React developer from scratch
  • Build 8+ beautiful projects, including one HUGE professional real-world app
  • Become job-ready by working with libraries and tools used in professional projects
  • Join my other 1,800,000+ happy students on this journey
  • Think like a senior React engineer with advanced design patterns
  • React fundamentals: components, JSX, props, events, state, forms
  • State management: thinking about state, where to place, local vs. global, UI vs. remote
  • Build reusable, composable, and versatile components

Link gốc: https://www.udemy.com/course/the-ultimate-react-course/

Time Course: 67 hours (412 lectures + Documents)

Instructor: Jonas Schmedtmann

Total Weight: 32.95 GB

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